Movies Galore

I've been going to movies since Thursday night, from a classic horror film to films currently showing in theaters. I bought two tickets Wednesday after work at The Balboa for The Exorcist Thursday night. I was going to bring my dad along to see a horror movie he first saw at 20. He had seen it with my Aunt Gloria and Uncle Peter. The movie scared them!
Seeing classics has become a tradition with my old man. Last 2 times we saw westerns at home, he reminisced about his youth in Peru during a scene from Pale Rider.
Thursday night was fun at The Balboa. Re-watching The Exorcist on the big screen was like see a movie with my best friend from high school. We laughed whenever something unexpected would happen on the screen. I noticed myself chuckling at one point.
 watching it in slow motion, in which I could instantly remember certain scenes. I used to rent The Exorcist from the library just to see the amazing effects from that movie! Finally, I got to see it on the big screen at an old-skool movie theater.

Friday afternoon, I went to see The Intern at Presidio Theater, which stars Robert DeNiro, Anne Hathaway and Rene Russo. My dad is a big fan or DeNiro! I was one of 4 people watching the movie. Must have been the time of day! 
Usually, I watch horror, action and fantasy, making The Intern a change from the usual. Cute movie!

This afternoon I went with my great friend and her boyfriend to see Goosebumps. I hadn't hung out with them in a while ...

Now, I'm typing this blog and listening to a podcast on my computer, waiting for some trick-or-treaters to ring the bell for candy.



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