Yesterday. Late afternoon. I returned Sausage Party Blu-Ray to the library, then donated a book from my bookshelf, The Power of The Actor, to a Free Library nearby.
On Display at Borders. March, 2011
Currently there are 2 bookshelves in my bedroom, one which is cramped with books I bought at Borders at Stonestown Galleria while I was attending San Francisco State University. Hence, I've started to give away all of the books in order to free space. I have 3 choices: I'll donate, leave them at a mini-library, or keep them shelved. I feel like I've had these books since high school!

I think I'll even give away CDs after I've listened to them. One of them is from Radio Alice @97.3, the radio station I used to listen to every morning. Fortunately, I still listen to their morning podcasts, Secret Shows! Nowadays, I listen to 99.7 NOW, which is usually funny. 


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