Terminator: Genesys Teaser
Insanity: Doing the same this over and over again and expecting different results- Albert Einstein
The teaser trailer for Terminator: Genesys hit the internet last week. I only had to watch it once to realize that this movie is Back To The Future along with Later I went on imdB to read trivia for this movie. It's the start of another trilogy!
The trailer starts with a middle-aged John Conner, leader of the resistance, telling his army about what happens if they don't win the war against the machines: "If we die tonight, mankind dies with us." Tonight? That's funny! I thought every clip of the war in the other Terminators took place at night!
Seconds before he says that, we get a shot of a terminator shooting its rifle at us. Opposed to previous Terminator quadrilogy, this terminator has sparkling-white teeth. I guess terminators finally started using Colgate Toothpaste!
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