My First Audio Book: The Final Frontier of An Indie Author

My first audio book, Black Suede Jacket, is now available for purchase on iTunes, Audible and As an Independent author (#Indieauthor), I've come to believe that the final frontier is having my stories available as audio books. Good thing I thought of translating my story, which is also available in French and Spanish on Smashwords and in audio book-form! Each audio book is priced at $3.95.
According to, the Amazon site where my stories were recorded and produced, audio books are only available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French and German. Unfortunately, my short story, has been translated to Spanish, French, Italian and Cantonese. Anyways, now more people will be able to listen to my first short story in other languages. The Spanish-version should be available the last week of June.

Available on iTunes and Audible
Available on iTunes & Audible
Meanwhile, a friend has told me to work on another story to which I responded, In time! Truth is, I haven't had time to work on My Senior Prom because of my ADD, inability to focus at times.

Guess I'll get to it when the time is right! I haven't even come up with pseudonyms for all my friends that I went to Senior Prom with. At least I have the cover ready, thanks to!
#Nonfiction #Shortstory #AudioBooks #IndieAuthor #Nightlife #MyStory #Marketing #ReviewsWouldHelp #Spreadtheword #eBook


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