Initiate Research for Duke Nukem

"A script has to be planned out."                                         -Anonymous                          

A cousin told me that on Thanksgiving back in 2007, when I was still coming up with ideas for my Duke Nukem script. At the time I was suffering from undiagnosed ADHD, and each time I would work on the vomit draft I would zone out, letting my brain take the lead and think up scenes that I'd, unbeknownst to myself, would copy from action movies I had seen but mold into my own image. All this as I typed fast from the comfort of my desk chair in my bedroom. #Hyperfocus
Last weekend, I started to think about the screenplay again. I had typed a third draft in 2012, in which I shortened a few scenes, and added better dialogue. A friend and a screenwriting consultant had told me to be careful using dialogue directly from the video games due to trademark. 
I started with a question: If aliens from another planet were to invade earth, would their ship be visible to the human eye?
Last Sunday night at work, I decided to get back on the wagon by researching the technology I mention in my script via YouTube. I created a new folder that I named Duke Nukem Research where I started storing all the videos that can help me in the 4th draft, to be more specific and not describe what I'm imagining. Once I'm done selecting on YouTube, I'll start looking for places in and around San Francisco to see if I can find something useful to the script. 
I think that doing research will be very helpful in the next draft. Basically, I'll be able to be specific. 


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