Forming a Book Club

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About three months ago, my therapist at Kaiser-French Campus on Geary Blvd. started suggesting I for my own book club because I only have three friends that I either talk to or see every week. Wouldn't it be grand to have more than 3 friends? 
In August I decided to comply with what my therapist's suggestion. I made a private Facebook Page for my book club.
The only book club meeting I ever had was on Saturday, September 13th with a good friend from college. We met at the Java Beach Cafe in the Outer Sunset. I showed her my iBook and we ended up talking about it. She suggested what I should add in order to better my book club.
Do you like short stories, creative writing and/or memoirs? Last year I self-published two short stories, Black Suede Jacket and Two Drinks At A Night's Waltz. Both are available  on iTunes, Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes&Noble for the NOOK. Either it's FREE or $0.99. It's also available in Spanish on iTunes, B&N, Amazon, and Kobo; Chinese, Italian and French on B&N. #ESL The English version is available in PRINT-form from
Last night I finished reading Green Lantern: The Wrath of the First Lantern and continued reading CrazyBusy. Lately, I've been reading graphic novels and self-help/books about ADD. I was diagnosed with the disorder 2 years ago.
Everything has a limit, be it patience and forgiveness. I'm getting tired of posting on Short Story (e)Book Club about my stories and meetings, yet I am serious about making new friends. If you want to join my FB page, please comment with your e-mail address and I'll add you to my page. #MakeFriends #Read #Learn #KnowledgeIsPower

Saturday's meeting will be at the Starbucks on West Portal Ave around noon. You can always contact me about what time/location suits you best.
By the way, I usually work 7 days a week from 6-9PM, so I'm available to meet up in the daytime.

Name: Julio Bonilla
Phone #: (415)407-0267

So what was the last biography you read? 


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