"The Call" Vs. Reality

How ironic is it that the last three movies I've seen can relate to real-life? Bare in mind that before I saw "Snitch" I had not been to the movies in months, but it feels like years!

Last Friday I drove the first showing of "The Call," an old-fashioned suspenseful movie that stars Halle Berry. Recently, she hasn't starred in many good movies, much less "Movie 43," a movie made of shorts starring middle-aged celebrities- Hugh Jackman, Terrence Howard, Common, Kate Winslett, Gerard Butler, and Colin Farrell- to name a few. That movie was off-the-wall hilarious!
"The Call" is about a woman, Jordan, who works at 911, Los Angeles, preventing crimes from happening. (More like a modern-day "Minority Report!")
One night she receives a call from a female teenager who is home alone while a robber is inside her house. It is during this part where the suspense begins- The girl, a blonde, calls 911, says that she has a problem, and that the mugger is after her. Jordan asks the girl if she can jump out the window. When the mugger enters he notices her white flip-flops outside and thinks she escaped. That is until, the girl continues talking to Jordan over and is eventually abducted.
Half a year later, the incident repeats itself- Blonde teenager at the mall is taken hostage and abducted, The villain leaves breadcrumbs at each stops he makes, while the police pursues him, and hopefully save the girl.
Wouldn't it be cool if that happened in real life and someone unbeknownst about the situation saved the day? That stuff only happens in the movies! I can recall two incidents that someone mysteriously disappeared and victim was either never found, Sierra Lamar, or her husband drowned her, Laci Peterson.
Each time this happens in the news, people wonder what the hell is happening? Get close to the fire, and read between the lines!



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