Back in the summer of 2003 I started to type a movie screenplay based on Duke Nukem, the gun-totting alien killer. The idea also came This summer, it'll be an entire decade since I subconsciously got the idea while in mass, talked to a high school friend about, and started working on it. (The last video game I played was Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project) The following years up until now have been a real rollercoaster, due to not having connections, mainly, not having the rights to the characters.
On Thanksgiving Week, 2006, I had a meeting with an agent, Don Gibble, who said he would hook me up with directors/producers, and help me get the movie made. What a waste of time that was! I even went with him to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, UT in January. At least I had the chance to shake hands with Tom Arnold, and go to the biggest outdoor shopping mall.
In the summer of 2011, I met a screenwriting consultant who gave me pointers on the script and what changes to make. Now that was helpful!
Unfortunately, I hadn't made all the changes.
In December 2012, I started to edit my script and cut down scenes. I realized that a few scenes were unnecessary and didn't ad anything to the story. At the same time, I've been calling Gearbox Softare to know how much the rights are and get them.
Last month, I called that company for the last time. Someone answered and told me that my messages had been received.
Good thing I saved the list of directors/producers I made in 2007.

            "In time."- The Exorcist


  1. Hey Julio, you sent me a message on my Duke video some time ago. I was wondering if the offer to read your script was still open? I'd love to take a gander.


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