Last Dentist Appointment: UPDATE ON MY TEETH

Six months ago. I'm at the dentist. He's telling me to cease consumption of 7-11 Slurpee for the safety of my teeth. I've rarely drank one! Time to research! My teeth have been getting smaller due to twofold: Coca-Cola, and sometimes I forget to wear my mouth guard to bed. I first started sleeping with a mouth guard back in 2014, which I hated at first. From now on, I'm going to read the ingredients of ALL products before purchase. I am going to protect my teeth by any means necessary. JUST SAY NO!
I've found out that many of the sweets we consume everyday contain High Fructose Corn Syrup: Ketchup, regular soda, ice cream, whipping cream, Hershey's Chocolate and Crunch Bars. NO MORE HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!

  • FACT: HFCS is used in regular Coca-Cola. Thank God for Coca-Cola Classic.

I've made changes to my diet. No more regular soda. This year I've noticed Vitamin Water XXX at Subway, which doesn't contain HFCS. I only drink Diet soda(mixed with Vitamin Water) on weekends! So . . . I've made some good changes, not to mention I workout 2-3 days a week. (Jason Bourne)



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