JUSTICE LEAGUE 3000: The A-Team of the future

"Eternity is really long, especially near the end"- Woody Allen

Justice League 3000 #10


The latest issue of Justice League 3000 came out Wednesday, October 1st. I bought the at Two Cats Comic Books issue and read it that day (I used to by digital copies off iTunes). ()The ending was a sigh of relief, like a soap opera- The end of an era. Each of the prior chapters left me wanting more, until I read JL3000 #10.
The team finally beat the big bosses heads in! In an earlier issue, Green Lantern had been shrunk to nearly a microscopic-size by Locus, a young bluish-skinned alien with purple hair. Fortunately, GL was still able to form constructs and in JL 3000 #8 do things by mentally thinking about them.
It seems that in this latest issue, GL is the one who get's payback. "How did you return to normal--after I reduced you to the size of a frightened little mouse?" asks Locus, noticing Green Lantern is still powerful. Green Lantern responds, "Never underestimate the power of the Green Energy, Locus: A little willpower and I can do just about anything!"
After fighting a supposed henchmen on a panel, Batman relies on a small can of Mace to win the fight. (Read the issue to know the full story).

At the end of this issue, their master (mother), Ariel Masters, realized The Five could easily fight crime in the year 3100. "You know what you five need now:" A HEADQUARTERS!

Finally the unending soap opera comes to an end. Now to wait a month for Justice League 3000 #11!


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